thing hint1 # Level 13-SOL. Hint 1: jump x: Indy opens control room door for the first time.
thing hint2 # Level 13-SOL. Hint 2: jump 11: Indy visits fuse box for the first time.
thing hint3 # Level 13-SOL. Hint 3: jump x: Get back into the mine car at control room.
thing hint4 # Level 13-SOL. Hint 4: jump 5: Get out of the mine car, get fuse from fuse cart.
thing hint5 # Level 13-SOL. Hint 5: jump 5: Get back into the mine car at exit complex.
thing hint6 # Level 13-SOL. Hint 6: jump 11: Get out of the mine car, put fuse in fuse box.
thing hint7 # Level 13-SOL. Hint 7: jump 11: lever1, lever3, drive to east end.
thing hint8 # Level 13-SOL. Hint 9: jump x: Drive mine car just past track merge, then back down siding until you trigger Horus Room mine safety doors to open.
thing hint9 # Level 13-SOL. Hint 10: jump x: Whip swing thru waterfall and pick up Eye of Horus.
thing hint10 # Level 13-SOL. Hint 11: jump x: Get back into mine car and drive back to Control Room.
thing hint11 # Level 13-SOL. Hint 12: jump x: Pull lever 2 to solve.
thing hint12 # Level 13-SOL. Hint 13: jump x: Get back in mine car, chase comCar (after chaseLower cutscene).
thing hint13 # Level 13-SOL. Hint 14: jump x: Hint appears on comCar -- chase comCar until blowIt is triggered.
thing hint14 # Level 13-SOL. Hint 15: jump x: Get out of the mine car and get the oil key from the open room.
thing hint15 # Level 13-SOL. Hint 16: jump x: Get back into the mine car and drive to oil shed room.
thing hint16 # Level 13-SOL. Hint 17: jump x: Get out of the mine car and get the oil can from the oil shed.
thing hint17 # Level 13-SOL. Hint 18: jump x: Get back in the mine car and drive to switch4.
thing hint18 # Level 13-SOL. Hint 19: jump x: Get out of the mine car and oil switch4 with the oil can.
thing hint19 # Level 13-SOL. Hint 20: jump x: Get back into the mine car and drive to the control room.
thing hint20 # Level 13-SOL. Hint 21: jump x: Get out of mine car, go in control room and pull lever4 to solve.
thing hint21 # Level 13-SOL. Hint 22: jump x: Get back in mine car and drive to swith5 room.
thing hint22 # Level 13-SOL. Hint 23: jump x: Get out of mine car and walk up hill towards comFalls.
thing hint23 # Level 13-SOL. Hint 24: jump x: Whip swing across broken track and smash wall with IMP1.
thing hint24 # Level 13-SOL. Hint 25: jump x: Pick up the blue gem.
thing hint25 # Level 13-SOL. Hint 26: jump x: Walk back to the mine car and get in.